Tuesday 27 May 2014

Fit to burst....Hope and her award!

We have one very happy almost 7 year old tonight.
She won the 
1st Largs Girls Brigade 
trophy for handicrafts.

Away to bed with it carefully position so
she can see it first thing when she wakes up.

Oh my! Don't we need to paint that gate.....

Monday 26 May 2014

Great British felting packs

In our British packs we have fluffy stuff from all
over the U.K...
Some local and some from up North
and others from down south.

Handmade pre felt using shetland and B.F.L
hand spun yarns by Rita
hand made felt pebbles using Jacob and Romney.

Angora - Yorkshire
Mohair - Cambridgeshire and Somerset
Blue Texel  - Ayrshire
North Ronaldsay - Those wonderful seaweed eating sheep
on the Island of North Ronaldsay, Orkney
Alpaca - all over the U.K.
Bluefaced leicester - Northumberland
Merino - Woolaston
Wensleydale - all over the U.K.
and many more......

Friday 23 May 2014

How awful! I hope they can do something for the wonderful MAC building....

So sad to hear today about the 

I really hope they can do something. 
I have very fond memories of my time spent there.
It is such an important piece of Architecture.

Dying with plants....

Heading here tomorrow for a course on
Dying with plants being taught by Ann Ross.
Really looking forward to it as its something
I've really not done before.

The Barony is also holding an exhibition
by Scottish felt makers.
So it will be a great chance to see that too!

Tuesday 20 May 2014

It's a blue/sea green day.....

Lots of lovely yarn
North Ronaldsay, bfl, shetland

fluff - angora,alpaca and mohair
tops - Shetland, north ronaldsay and Wensleydale
Fleece - bfl curls

all for some new British packs.
(grown in the U.K. more than native to)

silk fabric

silk rods and cocoons

Thursday 15 May 2014

Customer orders....what fun

I love creating things for customers projects....

just a few pics

of different projects

that I have dyed for this week.

Monday 12 May 2014

New range for shop....Bark.....

While Hope was creating her wonderful colourful piece yesterday,
I was making bark.

to put into....luxury felting packs

XL luxury creativity packs

I love the effect of the additions of soyabean and flax/linen
for texture.

creativity packs

standard felting packs.

Sunday 11 May 2014

Hope helps out.......and creates her own piece of felt.

What a great Sunday!
Hope and I got a chance to do some felting.
(I should say Hope is now almost 7, 
I am having a problem changing my profile)

She decided she was going to help me and
then thought it would be good to make a piece herself.

She chose all her ingredients from the studio
(I did cut the hearts)
and laid out her piece.

She likes the rolling pin
and was very patient rolling and turning.

and of course you have to have the
hands on approach.

It's a lovely soft piece of felt to take in for
show and tell tomorrow.

Friday 9 May 2014

And then there's a touch of sparkle.....

sparkle rust

With just a touch of trilobal rainbow nylon
the sparkle range are combinations of Shetland and Merino.






Thursday 8 May 2014

Custom blends......just sooooo excited !

Antique 1 (Rita's favourite)
bfl/soyabean/flax and merino

How excited were Vicky and Rita and I yesterday
as our custom blends arrived at last!


We did track the poor delivery van man "Chris"
round Largs for 10 of his deliveries before us.

Yes he did look slightly concerned when we told 
him we'd been keeping a close eye on him.

But the wait was oh so worth it.....
My favourite above is Pebble peace.
It's tussah silk/flax/baby alpaca and merino.......

Forest Woodland

Heather(with wonderful added linen texture)

Pebble marl feels amazing with Gotland in the mix....

 can't wait to start felting!

Saturday 3 May 2014

Scarf base lengths

Something new this week 
in the Ebay store
is hand dyed Merino and silk
pre felt scarf based lengths.

Great to wet felt into or embellish with needle felting.

Wonderful soft 80% 19.5 mic merino and 20% silk

so fine almost cobweb like in areas.