Sunday 3 July 2011

Been camping...a change in the weather!

A huge thanks to whoever out there did
the sun you can see its now
working in Scotland!

We are just back from a great weekend camping with friends
(7 adults &11 children...)
We had great fun.

I can't say I will ever be a convert
but it was a lovely social time.

Now the kids are enjoying a rare
padling pool afternoon!


  1. It's been great to have the sunshine isn't it Claire. I was begining to think summer had passed me by here in Glasgow:(
    Smashing pics of the kiddiewinks enjoying the pool
    Anne x

  2. Wow Claire it looks as if the family are having a fabulous time in the pool, and what a great idea for them to. hugs Shirleyxxx

  3. I'm so glad the sun shone for you, Claire, it sounds like you had a great time, although I'm not sure you'd find me in a tent!!! I like my creature comforts too much!!
    Looks like a great time was had in the paddling pool too!
    Hugs Lisax
